Sunday, March 9, 2014

What's on tv my weekend

This weekend starting with Friday night Hawaii Five 0 this is the second week with gust star Mealnie Griffith as Dan's mom. She was coming to visit and when he asked where his dad was she told him she was leaving him. I didn't get very much of the story line this week because I was flipping back between this and Gold Rush. I am a big fan of this show. This week Parker is back to Smiths Creek with his brother Payson to find out if there are gold nuggets. And through much struggle they are happy to tell their grandpa John that he was right. I have been watching this show for a couple of years now and The Schnabels by far are my favorite family and I look forward to them finding millions in gold. Saturday I spent the entire day catching up on Raising Whitley. Kym Whitley is raising her adopted son Joshua since birth. She has a group of friends who she refers to as the village to help her raise him. Kym is single but has a close friend Rodney who she has allowed to be Joshua's father. Rodney is also single but has two children. Now all of the people in the village are very opinionated and none of them have children. But they are all learning together. Kym also has her dad and brothers although they live in Clevland they all manage to visit. So the othe people in the village are Wendell(Kym's Hollywood husband) and Val and Stacey who my husband swears are drag queens and Sam and her boyfriend who is also Kym's Atty. They have all managed to pour into Joshua who is is becoming his own little person. This show is funny and very emotional at times. This last show ended with Kym and Rodney getting into a big arguement and Joshua's birth mom wanting to see him. Well can hardly wait for next week's show. Ok so I ended night watching Deion Sanders show with him and his ten kids. Deion May be flashy but he is a no nonsense dad. He lets his kids be free in who they want to be but pulls back on the reigns when they get out of line. He also has his mom there for support. I think when you have a strong foundation and support for your kids it will propel them into their future. Keep it up Deion!!!! I'm liking the show so next up for me is Blood, Sweat, and Heels now like most of you I was like in not watching this. But I tuned in just to see what Melyssa Ford was up to since her video days and got caught up. So the show is typical girls hanging out and ends up one side against the other. On one side you have Demetria, Brie, and Geneva while on the other side Melyssa, Daisey, and Mica. So Demetria's group think Mica has a drinking problem and Brie and Mica get into a arguement and are not speaking right now and the same goes for Geneva and Mica even after they both try to talk it out with her. Daisy is trying to stay neutral and invites everyone to her gala except Demetria. So we will see how this the next marathon I will be watching is The Haves and The Have Nots and Flipping Out. I just love Jeff Lewis he's my bestie in my head......

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