Friday, March 14, 2014

Thursday Night

Ok so I started the night off with Mary Mary and man they are going through some stuff right now. Tina is still dealing with her husbands infidelity and Erica is embarking on a solo career and is feeling the pressure from her husband to commit to her solo project. Mitch is feeling left out of the loop with Erica's new project and is being kept I the dark about Tina's problems at home and he is not handling it well. He act like he's going to blow a gasket. Erica's husband was tripping he know her friends are not going to steal her song because they don't want to be sued. So he could have kept that comment about her being naive. That's so rude of him. I hope Tina's situation works out. Can't wait to watch next week to see if they fire Mitch....... Ok so next up was Scandal. So Sally has totally snapped and wants to confess about the murder and Cyrus wants her killed because if she confesses it will cause an uproar in the government. Cyrus goes to Jake to contract Charlie but Jake refuses. Jake said I don't have time and you won't understand. Wow. David takes tape of Sally calling Cyrus to Olivia. David asks Olivia to help him bring down Sally for murder but she goes to Cyrus and tells him she knows everything and decides to stay out of it. Ok is it me or does Abby look different this season? Plastic surgery gone wrong perhaps? So Quinn is working for ACME now?  Under Jake's direct supervision? They don't know what to do with her? They know she's crazy.  She went in on Jake but later apologized and he gave her a job. She broke into Olivia's safe and got the tape of Sally confessing to Cyrus. Olivia asked Fitz to throw the debate. They are really covering up her pregnancy well. They only show her from the shoulders up. Jake orders his agent who is also the President's body guard to take Sally out before she confesses. But before she can Fitz throw her off and draws her back into the debate. When Jake hears the tape he decides to take out the four people who know about it who could destroy everything. Jake decides to handle things himself......I wonder if he killed James and David??? Can hardly wait for next week ooohhh salivating.......

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