Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Sunday Night

You know I start off Sunday nights with Atlanta Housewives. These ladies are still in Mexico and Phaedra tells Kenya to stop talking to her husband necause we don't want to be your friend and Kenya says you can't speak for your husband. Is this ho on crack??? Who says that? Ofcourse she can speak for him. Kenya doesn't have a clue how a marriage works because she's never has one. Poor Kenya, maybe one day she will get it. By it I mean a clue and a husband. Peter and Greg were having a disagreement because Greg didn't like the fact that Peter told Nene about herself at the event. But did he forget Peter wasn't talking to Nene at first. NeNe walked over to Peter and asked him was he mad at her. So Greg and NeNe need to have several seats!!! And then NeNe did the ultimate no no she called Peter a bitch and Cynthia didn't say anything. I thought she would have exploded on her like she did Kandi at the pillow talk, but no she just stood there. Well we will see where they go from here.........    

Monday Night

Ok so last week on Basketball Wives Draya and Sundy got into a fight. Sundy was calling Draya's son names and it was very inappropriate. So Draya did what any mother would have done, she punched her in the eye. Which Sundy was very deserving of. Now I hate to see grown women fighting Sundy should have stuck to calling Draya names and not her innocent 8 or 9 yr old son. But they were able to sit down and talk it out and are now able to communicate without yelling and fighting. They ended the night in the pool and Sundy running through the house naked. So we will se how this relationship goes. Draya sat Jackie down to tell her about her daughter and Jackie has that look of disbelief on her face but we all know she is taking it all in and will come up with a plan of attack later. Now on to Single ladies. Tonight was centered around Keisha and Malcolm's engagement party and Raquel and Omar trying to convince Felecia to invest in Indulgence. much to their surprise she agrees after playing hard ball ofcourse. April has to miss the engagement party to track down a client and ends up getting drunk and wakes up with a wedding ring on her finger. Wow. And it wasn't even Vegas. Naomi shows up at the party and announces to everyone that Malcolm left his first wife for her and she was back in Atlanta and wasn't going anywhere. Well Keisha was pissed because Malcolm made it seem like just a fling between him and Naomi. So Keisha stormed out of their party and packed her bags and is out!!! We will see if Malcolm can win Keisha back...........

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Thursday Night

Scandal was off the chain as usual. This is the first time I've ever seen Olivia at a loss for words. Huck found out that Quinn broke into the safe and he went to kill her but decided not to because she wanted to be found out. David told Abby that he witnessed James being killed by Jake and can't say anything or he's next. Olivia tells David to play along for now and help her take B613 later. And Harrison tells Olivia that his friend is up to something but he doesn't know that Olivia's mom is behind her calling the shots. And Mellie and the Presidents running mate give in to their basic instincts and get it in. Wonder if Fitz will be jealous? So much going on I can't wait til next week. Next up was Mary Mary now this show is really milking this Mitch stuff. Just fire him already. He's not doing things the way you want so cut your losses and keep it moving. Glad to see Erica getting her solo on!!!!! It was great to see Teddy surprise Tina on the road!!! She was so excited. When you hurt someone I believe if you are truly sorry you will go above and beyond to mend their heart......

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Wednesday Night

Criminal Minds was really good tonight. It was about people being kidnapped and tortured and bring hung out on display. Well one of the girls escaped and Morgan was lead on this and he spent a lot of time interviewing her so they could find their suspect. So they found out who he was and also who they thought was the accomplice. But through more investigation Morgan found that it was the girl who got away who was assisting her captor. She had fallen in love with him and was forced to help with the murders then starting helping willingly. She just snapped and even after giving full accounts of what happened she still had no memory that it was her doing it. Wow the mind is amazing!!! Loved that Shemar Moore got major camera time...........the only other show I watched was Flipping Out. It was a showdown between Zoila and Lupe. Zoila had me cracking up she was like I'm gon take care of this bitch!!! Lol Hilarious and she did Lupe quit. Some people can't take someone just like them being over them. It's sad. Then Jeff had to get training for his grandmothers pit bull who was all over the place. Grandma was resistant at first but did go along with it. But when it was suggested that the environment wasn't right for the dog she want happy. So we will see how this goes.....

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Tuesday Night

NCIS Tony has to babysit a singer who they think a bomb may have been intended for. He throws a party even though he's being guarded. Tony gets a call from building Sup and comes hem to break up the party. Meanwhile Jimmy is awaiting the arrival of his baby and rushes out to see baby being born and comes back devastated because the birth mother decided to keep the baby. Very sad. NCISLA an agent is murdered and was put on you tube. Callen and Sam find where this happened. They find an informant there. The yakuza killed the informant. Sam is locked in the building posing as a gambler. Oh snap they captured Sam.he in the room with a punk ass ATF agent. Why he so scared? Oh so he was faking? Like I said punk ass.whoop his ass Sam. Granger is looking for Kensi. Is she missing? Ok why is she riding a horse in the middle of nowhere? Oh my goodness they taking her to a cave.she asking to speak to the white ghost. What has she gotten herself into? Next up is Person of Interest the last show ended with Ruth resurfacing. She starting off tasering people. Who is Billy? And what does she want with him? Dang she used him real what's with Cyrus? Ruth and Harold back together can't wait to see what happens next. So Cyrus is a millionaire. Who is after him and why?so Ruth is doing all this to save all of them. Wow. They didn't get the chip for Samaritan.
This is getting good!!!! So now let's check in with The Game.... Kelly is back!!! I feel a show down coming between her and Chardonnay. Jason's daughter called Kelly and told her to come but she didn't let anyone know she was coming. Tasha was happy to see her. Jason was going to pay the guy off so he wouldn't snitch about his steroid use and Chardonnay thought he should just let the chips fall where they may but Kelly thinks he shouldn't ruin his reputation and everything he has worked so hard for all these years. So when they watch the news they guy recants his statement and Chardonnay thought Jason paid him off but Kelly confesses and says she did it to protect Jason and Chardonnay loses it and Jason ask Kelly to leave but later goes to her hotel and they start to reminisce and lose track of time and before they know it it's 4am and Jason flips because he knows Chardonnay is going to snap on him for being out all night so he wrecks his car to get out of trouble..... We will see how this works for him!!!!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Monday Night

I sart the night off watching Basketball Wives LA. Starts off with Malaysia and Draya meeting for a wrap and workout. I wonder if that really works. Malaysia told Draya about her and Brittish getting into it.Brittish gon mess around and get her ass a Compton beat down.  The next interaction was between Malaysia, Brandi, and Sundy. They decide to have another get together but in Palm Springs and  decide to leave Brittish out so they can see if the rest of the ladies can get together without conflict. Jackie takes Sunday to a meeting and tasting of Cognac to decide how she wants her new line of Cognac to taste and the packaging. Brittish and Lorenzo await to hear his new deal. And Brittish is upset that she is not going to be able to go with him because of her work. It was a very touching moment. It almost made me like Brittish. Brandi meets up with Draya and Malaysia to convince them to go onPalm Springs trip. Draya is not feeling it. Sundy meets with Jackie to tell her about the trip and that Brittish is not invited. The ladies meet at the house in Palm Springs and they wait to see if Draya and Malaysia are coming. And finally they arrive. Can't wait til next week looks like Draya and Sundy have more beef than they thought.......Single Ladies was very good tonight. Terrence was playing Raquel like a booty call and she saw him in a club and flipped out on him. David told April he was planning on leaving the company and taking half the company with him. But April decides to tell Felecia and David is fired and thus ending the relationship with April. I don't honk we've seen the last of him. Keisha overhears Malcolm on the phone saying we can't let Keisha find out. She walks away angry thinking he's doing another shady business deal but is still planning on meeting him for dinner so she can tell him what she heard and break it off with him. When she meets him she opens the door and there were flowers all over the room and diamond rings everywhere all different shapes and colors . His phone call was setting up the surprise proposal. It was a very special moment. Can't wait to see the engagement party!!!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Sunday Night

I started the night off with Housewives of Atlanta the couples are still in Mexico and they all go on an outing to a cave where there's a fountain of youth and Kenya doesn't hesitate taking off her clothes to get in  the water And reluctantly some of the others follow. So the next outing was with Kenya and some of the ladies going to see a priest to bless her with fertility. Phaedra and Porscha stay back for a relaxing day at the pool. Afterwards the guys get together except Greg. They went to a bar to smoke cigars and talk and in walks Kenya with Lawrence they sit down start ordering shots and Kenya pulls Apollo to the side against the other guys advice Apollo gets up goes to another table with Kenya and they start talking about the problems they have had and Phaedra walks in and catches them. First of all Kenya had no right  to pull Apollo to the side. If she has a problem with Phaedra then she has a problem with Apollo bottom line. Apollo knew better too. He should have said no thanks I'm cool. Men always step outside the lines. Can't wait til next week I hope Phaedra let both of them have it!!!! Next up Resurrection ...... I missed the premiere but I caught up pretty fast as far as the characters and their relationship to each other. I wanted to watch the show because Omar Epps is in it but this may be one of my weekly shows. Jacob a little boy has come back as well as Caleb who thinks he died 3 days ago. Jacobs  dad doesn't believe it's him and Caleb's son doesn't think it's him so is this pet cemetery  they come back as something else? Now they didn't show it but I think the Sheriffs wife is back too. And Caleb has assaulted and possibly killed someone????? It's getting turned up already!!!! So I ended the night with Blood, Sweat, and Heels I thought the season finale would have been more drama filled especially with the ladies being on a yacht. Instead it was very mild they were all very calm but they still ended up attacking Mica and saying she is an alcoholic. It ended with Daisy, Melyssa, and Mica clearly together hugging each other and Geneva, Demetria, and Brie on the other side. I hope they work it out over the break. We shall see...........

Friday, March 14, 2014

Thursday Night

Ok so I started the night off with Mary Mary and man they are going through some stuff right now. Tina is still dealing with her husbands infidelity and Erica is embarking on a solo career and is feeling the pressure from her husband to commit to her solo project. Mitch is feeling left out of the loop with Erica's new project and is being kept I the dark about Tina's problems at home and he is not handling it well. He act like he's going to blow a gasket. Erica's husband was tripping he know her friends are not going to steal her song because they don't want to be sued. So he could have kept that comment about her being naive. That's so rude of him. I hope Tina's situation works out. Can't wait to watch next week to see if they fire Mitch....... Ok so next up was Scandal. So Sally has totally snapped and wants to confess about the murder and Cyrus wants her killed because if she confesses it will cause an uproar in the government. Cyrus goes to Jake to contract Charlie but Jake refuses. Jake said I don't have time and you won't understand. Wow. David takes tape of Sally calling Cyrus to Olivia. David asks Olivia to help him bring down Sally for murder but she goes to Cyrus and tells him she knows everything and decides to stay out of it. Ok is it me or does Abby look different this season? Plastic surgery gone wrong perhaps? So Quinn is working for ACME now?  Under Jake's direct supervision? They don't know what to do with her? They know she's crazy.  She went in on Jake but later apologized and he gave her a job. She broke into Olivia's safe and got the tape of Sally confessing to Cyrus. Olivia asked Fitz to throw the debate. They are really covering up her pregnancy well. They only show her from the shoulders up. Jake orders his agent who is also the President's body guard to take Sally out before she confesses. But before she can Fitz throw her off and draws her back into the debate. When Jake hears the tape he decides to take out the four people who know about it who could destroy everything. Jake decides to handle things himself......I wonder if he killed James and David??? Can hardly wait for next week ooohhh salivating.......

Wednesday Night

Ok so I know I skipped Wednesday night because the only show I watched was Criminal Minds and although I do love this show not a lot to report this week the plot was great as usual. I loved the end if the show especially when Morgan showed up to do Garcia and Reid's training. It showed how much love he has for them as friends. Ok so that's it there will be more next week.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Tuesday Night

Sadly all my usual shows NCIS,NCIS LA, and Person of Interest were all repeats so I used the day to catch up on The Haves and Have nots. Benny is still on a vent and barely hanging on while Hannah and Candice are in a battle who is going to see whose son first. Candice won't tell Hannah where her baby is and I'm thinking something happened to the baby. Now Candice announced to Jim and a audience that's she's pregnant with his child and made demands of a condo and a million dollars. So Jim agrees to meet her later to give her what she wants and instead has her kidnapped. In the meantime Hannah is arrested for allegedly moving Benny to a different hospital to keep him away from Tony, but she really has no idea where he is because he was moved by Mrs. Cryer. Now before Hannah called Mrs. Cryer to get her out of jail she told police that Wyatt had in fact been the hit and run driver that hit Banny and killed the little girl. So now Wyatt has been arrested ......this is a hot ass mess!!!!! I don't know what's going to happen next. I'm not sure how Veronica keeping Jeffrey's car is going to play out now that Waytt is in jail. And why is she hiding the car anyway?  Amanda is past crazy and needs to be comitted immediately. Catherine and Jim need to let Wyatt man up and take responsibility for what he's done. And Veronica needs to let Jeffrey be who he is.........Now on to The Game, Tasha is pregnant and don't know who the baby's daddy is where's Maury? Malik is working to  possibly come back. Blue got community service for trying to save Kiera from driving drunk. It was a mild show there wasn't  any neck rolling from Tasha Mack or Chardonnay and no wise cracks from Jason I'm not sure how to handle this........ Hope it's better next week

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Monday Night

First up is Basketball Wives boy I tell you what won't people do to gain fame and attention. This chick Brittish got mad at Malaysia because she said hi to her in what she thought was a dry tone. Who cares??? At least she spoke. She could have totally ignored her ass which Malaysia should have done but oh no it's how she said hi. That's so childish. In my world if a chick speak to you dry do the same and keep it moving. Some stuff you just don't entertain. I saw the lady like Malaysia turn into Compton Bambi her side kick from last season. Priceless. But we all remember from first season Malaysia will get it poppin. Now Jackie was throwing a fund raiser and she gave all the girls jobs but neglected to let them know that they had to pay for everything themselves. So it was thrown together last minute the invitations went out late and Jackie even owed a balance for the venue when she got there but claims she had no idea. Jackie also told Draya her daughter was seeing Draya's boyfriend so when Draya confronted him he said he got hooked up by a friend and when he saw her she wasn't his type so he passed her off to a friend. Ok so what if she was his type I guess he would have hit that.  But I guess they had some type of break up at that point and that's why Draya didn't punch him in the face but whatever he will probably do it again. I can't wait to see what Jackie is up to next week......I watched Single Ladies but got bored. Ok Terrence and Raquel getting it on we saw this coming a mile away, David and April no surprise there and Keisha is mad at Malcolm for his shady business deals but I don't see her moving out that big house or turning over her credit cards or car. I am anxious to see what Sean has on his mind.......

Monday, March 10, 2014

Sunday Night

So tonight I watched Atlanta Housewives they are on their trip to Mexico. Kenya who took Ms Lawrence as her plus one decides to put a picture of herself  in each suite. Now who's stirring the pot Kenya? NeNe seems to be in high spirits as the couples arrive in Mexico. Phaedra and Apollo catch a later flight due to Phaedra misplacing her passport but some of the other ladies think it because she has some reservations about Kenya's motives. They finally show up at dinner and Peter decide to bring up Kordell to Porscha and we all know Peter has very strong opinions about everything. Cynthia seemed to think Porscha was saying they were strapped for money and I took it as she was saying Kordell cut off the purse string and she was going to get a job to put money in her own pocket. So I'm anxious to see how the rest of the trip will go but I have to wait yet another week. Now onto Blood, Sweat, and Heels Demetria is having a party for her blog anniversary and Melyssa brings Daisy and Daisy decides to congratulate Demetria and a glass gets knocked off the table cuts Daisy on the leg and her and Demetria talk about how their friendship went south and how to move forward. Melyssa has a surprise meeting with her boss and is nervous about the meeting because she still hasn't made a sale. I thought she was going to get fired but her boss just wanted to let her know she was moving to Seattle. Geneva goes on a date with an ex and the dinner is full of lust. Oh by the way are these ladies really Daisy's friend because somebody need to let her know she needs a new wig. Can't wait to see what happened on the rest of Geneva's date even though we can all probably figure it out. Also next week the ladies are going on a boat for a dinner party. I hope they can all swim......

Sunday, March 9, 2014

What's on tv my weekend

This weekend starting with Friday night Hawaii Five 0 this is the second week with gust star Mealnie Griffith as Dan's mom. She was coming to visit and when he asked where his dad was she told him she was leaving him. I didn't get very much of the story line this week because I was flipping back between this and Gold Rush. I am a big fan of this show. This week Parker is back to Smiths Creek with his brother Payson to find out if there are gold nuggets. And through much struggle they are happy to tell their grandpa John that he was right. I have been watching this show for a couple of years now and The Schnabels by far are my favorite family and I look forward to them finding millions in gold. Saturday I spent the entire day catching up on Raising Whitley. Kym Whitley is raising her adopted son Joshua since birth. She has a group of friends who she refers to as the village to help her raise him. Kym is single but has a close friend Rodney who she has allowed to be Joshua's father. Rodney is also single but has two children. Now all of the people in the village are very opinionated and none of them have children. But they are all learning together. Kym also has her dad and brothers although they live in Clevland they all manage to visit. So the othe people in the village are Wendell(Kym's Hollywood husband) and Val and Stacey who my husband swears are drag queens and Sam and her boyfriend who is also Kym's Atty. They have all managed to pour into Joshua who is is becoming his own little person. This show is funny and very emotional at times. This last show ended with Kym and Rodney getting into a big arguement and Joshua's birth mom wanting to see him. Well can hardly wait for next week's show. Ok so I ended night watching Deion Sanders show with him and his ten kids. Deion May be flashy but he is a no nonsense dad. He lets his kids be free in who they want to be but pulls back on the reigns when they get out of line. He also has his mom there for support. I think when you have a strong foundation and support for your kids it will propel them into their future. Keep it up Deion!!!! I'm liking the show so next up for me is Blood, Sweat, and Heels now like most of you I was like in not watching this. But I tuned in just to see what Melyssa Ford was up to since her video days and got caught up. So the show is typical girls hanging out and ends up one side against the other. On one side you have Demetria, Brie, and Geneva while on the other side Melyssa, Daisey, and Mica. So Demetria's group think Mica has a drinking problem and Brie and Mica get into a arguement and are not speaking right now and the same goes for Geneva and Mica even after they both try to talk it out with her. Daisy is trying to stay neutral and invites everyone to her gala except Demetria. So we will see how this the next marathon I will be watching is The Haves and The Have Nots and Flipping Out. I just love Jeff Lewis he's my bestie in my head......

Friday, March 7, 2014

Thursday Night TV

First up is Mary Mary, these sisters are a force to be reckoned with. I think they are better together than apart even though they both have distinct voices and can hold their own in any arena. The first episode they are back from a brief hiatus. This show is centered around Tina and her husband and his infidelity and how they are coping. And the rest of the show the ladies decide if Mitchell will continue to manage them after an argument between them and their unhappiness with him as their manager. Next up is Scandal. So Melli told Fitz's friend that her father in law raped her and may have gotten her pregnant and this guy who is running as Vice President is in love with her. Olivia is worried about her father who was kicked out of his high powered job as Head of B613 a secret organization above the president. Huck  is trying to win back Olivia's trust and Quinn is on a mission. Can hardly wait until next Thursday.........

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Wednesday Night TV

Wednesday is my light tv night I usually watch Criminal Minds and that's about it. I just love watching the FBI behavioral unit catch serial killers. Hotch the mysterious leader of this well put together team with the experience of Dave and the intelligence of Spencer, the brilliance of ex-hacker Penelope and last but not least the chivalrous eye candy Derrick Morgan. I've been watching this show for years and I can't wait to see what they have coming up from year to year.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

What's on TV Tuesday

Tonight I watch NCIS and NCIS LA and Person of Interest. NCIS was centered around Denozo and his father. Tony's dad was getting married again and Tony thought is was a younger woman only to find out it was his godmother. It showed that when out parents get older they are lonely because we are so busy living our lives we tend to forget that. NCIS  was the typical catch the bad guy. It looks like Marty may have a new partner if Kensy doesn't return soon. Now on to Person of Interest , this's is the first I've ever known there to be someone that worked with Harold before Mr.Reece. Mr. Dillinger I suppose felt under appreciated and was a little too enterprising for his own good. I really like all the characters Shaw and Ruth included. I thought after Carter was killed I wouldn't be interested I watching but the show has captivated me. Now on to The Game, last season ended with Malik in the hospital after bring badly beaten and Keira and Malik going their desperate ways and Jason and Chardonnay making up. So first show of the new season Malik is depressed of course, the team is retiring Jason's jersey, Kiera wants Blue back and Tasha is going through menopause or pregnancy. At Jasons's ceremony a reporter tells him he knows about his steroid use. Malik sees a video by the man responsible for ending his career and decides to retaliate but Tasha shows up and stops him by telling him she's pregnant.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Monday Night TV

Ok so it's Monday night and Basketball Wives LA and dare I say I love watching ratchet tv shows where there's arguing, cussing, fussing,and sometimes swinging. This is the third episode and all of the ladies are still getting to know each other. Brittish Williams the St. Louis native seems to pop off easy. She already has it in for Brandi Maxiell who seems very sweet but can hold her own. Last week Brittish had a Turkish tea party that was supposed to be a do over from the ladies first meeting. But when Sunday Carter addressed Brandi about a comment she made about her daughter, words were exchanged between Brandi and Brittish and ultimately Brandi was asked to leave. So this week the focus was Jackie Christi who is a veteran on the show she and her husband Doug have taken Brittish her fiancé Lorenzo under their wings. Draya has a talk with Malaysia and Brandi about being married to an athelete and their cheating ways. Draya also celebrates a 6 month anniversary with her man and he surprises her with diamond earrings but what she really wants is a ring. Next weeks show will be a little more drama filled I can hardly wait and I'm sure I will be entertained........