Monday, April 14, 2014

Sunday Night

Atlanta Housewives Finale wow!!! Kandi's musical was fabulous!!! I hope she takes it on the road. I will be in attendance. All the ladies showed up to support and seemed to enjoy it. Kandi's mom had no expression. No surprise there. Todd's mom came out to support and I thought when she saw Mama Joyce she was going to let her have it but she kept it cordial. Porscha seems to have done well in the play. Go Porscha. NeNe came home from traveling and wasn't feeling well and got admitted into the hospital. We now know she had a pulmonary embolism. As a respiratory therapist I am very familiar and know what can happen with this. I'm glad she went to hospital to get checked out because it can be fatal. I saw a preview of the reunion show and Kenya is finally going to get her ass whooped!!!!! Can hardly wait!!!!!!!! Salivating!!!!!!!!!

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