Friday, April 4, 2014

Monday Night

Ok kinda late with this post. Basketball wives starts with Draya inviting the ladies to a zombie run but they have no idea what they are doing until Draya comes out in full zombie makeup and tells them what they are about to do. Malaysia right off the bat with her cutesy self does not line to get dirty. Ms prim and proper. But she is a good sport and plays along. Dryays goal is to get Dubdy and she does and takes her flag. Now I know Sundy is salty.brittish takes the time to explain to Brandi why she didn't like her and they make peace. So now Draya brings to Brandi what Jackie told her about Brandi saying they are not friends. Brandi explains she doesn't use the friend word loosely and I totally understand where she's coming from. You can't call every girl you meet a friend.jackie is trying to come up with a bottle for her signature cognac. She and Doug posed for a sculpture for the model of the bottle and her investor didn't like it. I understand she wants the bottle to be sexy but that wasn't the best idea. Maybe the too could be the shape she wants but not the bottle. Back to the drawing board Jackie. Now on to Jackie's daughter Chantel. This chick is trying to get on by making this Orlando(Draya's boyfriend) situation bigger than it is. She's just mad because When she met Orlando in person he didn't want to date her and passed her to the homie. So get over it and find fame another way!!!!! Wonder how long this will drag on???............

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