Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Thursday Night

Scandal finale......ok super late post but starts off with President saying he's going to lose election and Olivia tells her dad and he said he wishes he could help her. Huck and Quinn get caught getting busy on conference room table. David goes to see Jake to get his help but it's a no go. Charlie tries to get back at Huck and Quinn by giving the location of Hucks family. Fitz tells Olivia he want to move to Vermont and have babies but Olivia tells him about Mellie being raped by Big Jerry and he goes to console her. And she tells him his son is really his son. Cyrus tells Leo to protect his soul if he still has one. Fitz is preparing to give his last speech as President and tells Olivia he loves her but can't leave Mellie right now. Olivia goes into her dad's room and her mom is there. While Fitz is giving speech his son faints and then dies at the hospital of meningitis. They find out Mya is responsible and calls on Eli to find her and eliminate her. Eli is reinstated as command and Olivia quits her job and Dad puts her on a plane and Jake joins her. Harrison goes to see Eli to confront him telling him to bring Olivia back but gets too aggressive and Tom is there to back up Eli...........oh boy this was how you end a season......... Wanting more!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Sunday Night

Atlanta Housewives Finale wow!!! Kandi's musical was fabulous!!! I hope she takes it on the road. I will be in attendance. All the ladies showed up to support and seemed to enjoy it. Kandi's mom had no expression. No surprise there. Todd's mom came out to support and I thought when she saw Mama Joyce she was going to let her have it but she kept it cordial. Porscha seems to have done well in the play. Go Porscha. NeNe came home from traveling and wasn't feeling well and got admitted into the hospital. We now know she had a pulmonary embolism. As a respiratory therapist I am very familiar and know what can happen with this. I'm glad she went to hospital to get checked out because it can be fatal. I saw a preview of the reunion show and Kenya is finally going to get her ass whooped!!!!! Can hardly wait!!!!!!!! Salivating!!!!!!!!!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Thursday Night

Scandal......Jake, Olivia, Cyrus, and the President trying to figure out how to catch Mya Pope and they have to call Papa Pope!!! He tells them to catch Dominic who is Mya's boyfriend and they will catch her. And he said he's not working with Jake so Olivia tells Jake to leave. But before he leaves they summon Charlie and Quinn for more help in the field. Leo is scheming to get The Presidents son's DNA. He enlists a girl to get it and she sleeps with him and brings a condom. Huck goes out on his own to find Dominic and brings him in. They question him and he doesn't know anything. So Eli goes in and plays Russian roulette and tells him to call Mya do the can trace the call and while he's in the phone with her Eli continues the game and Mya hangs up before they can find her and Eli finishes the game and kills him. Quinn seems excited that Huck found Dominic so they end of having sex in the parking lot while Mya walks right by them into the office. What kind of spies are they??? She shoots Eli and walks out. Olivia finds him and calls ambulance. In the meantime the Presaident decides to go back on campaign trail even though he know a bomb had been planted somewhere. Cyrus finds out the bomb has been planted at the funeral where the Predident is giving eulogy so he tells him it's been pushed back because the wife wants more time alone so the President is not on time  but doesn't tell Sally. That Cyrus is always plotting. I'm holding my pee til next week lol.......

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Monday Night

Basketball Wives is up now...... The saga continues Jackie is delusional. This Chantel and Draya situation is so over and done. Jackie is trying to keep it turned up. It's simple Orlando hit Chantel up, didn't like what he saw and passed her over to the next dude. It might not be true but Orlando didn't hit it so end of story. Orlando and Draya met up with Jackie and Chantel and had a heated argument and It didn't solve anything. Just a bunch of yelling screaming and cussing. Even though Jackie got crunk for no reason Orlando should not have disrespected her. Ok enough of that. Brittish is concerned about leaving Lorenzo at home while she goes to Paris. I totally understand once trust is broken its hard to reestablish. But I hope she can put those thoughts out of her mind and enjoy herself on the trip. So Doug had need for Jackie that he got invited to play a game in Malaysia and he wants to take their son with him. Jackie was not enthused and really didn't want him to go because they always travel together. But then she turned around and told him about her trip to France to see how the cognac would be made. Girl let that man take his son and have that experience and memory that will last your son a lifetime. Jackie have a seat............let's see how this plays out.

Sunday Night

Housewives of Atlanta was sad Kenya's little dog Velvet was killed by a neighbor's dog. It was heartbreaking. And Kenya was was devastated. I feel so bad for her even thiugh she usually irritates me. NeNe is starting a clothing line. I'm not so sure about that. Don't think I will be interested in any of it. Maybe I will change my mind when it comes out. I can't believe she didn't look at the script for Mr. Box Office. Doesn't she know Vivica Fox was on that show??? Clearly she can't think she's above Vivica. Anyhoo, Porscha showed up for a rehearsal finally. And now she is trying to record an album. Really? What's next? Lol I'm glad Todd talked to Mama Joyce and I hope she can respect him for trying to work it out. Congrats to Kandi and Todd on their nuptials over the weekend. Cynthia went to talk to Peter about foreclosure of bar one that she read on the blog. Ok Peter why are you keeping things from your wife? That's something you talk about so your spouse will know what's going on without being blindsided. But I do agree with Peter that if anyone ask what's going on its none of their business. Married to Medicine has returned........ These women are supposed to be refined because they are married to doctors and are socialites. They can't seem to leave the ghetto behind. Quad is from Memphis which is enough to be certified hood and Simone is from Nashville which is country mixed with city but I guess can be ghetto. I have family in both places. So I feel I can speak freely on those cities. I know Toya is from Detroit and I've been there too, ghetto. I'm not sure where Mariah and Dr. Jackie are from but I'm sure they can get hood too. The show this week was strange because Mariah and Quad are not ace boon coons right now. I'm puzzled by this. But sometimes a little notoriety mixed with a little fame will go to people's head. Dr. Jackie had words with the new cast member Dr. Heavenly but quickly cleared the air. Then Toya addressed Simone about freak dancing on her husband at a party. I'm anxious to see how the ladies will get along this season...........

Friday, April 4, 2014

Thursday Night

Started out watching Mary Mary but got a little bored because they are still on Tina and her husband's marital issues. Teddy told Tina that he didn't have just one affair but multiple affairs. So now she's hurt all over again. He should have been a man instead of a boy and told her the truth from the beginning. I mean she probably still would have left him or put him out but at least she would have been able to process it all at once instead him giving to her in small doses. So the Ebony issue comes out with Tina talking about her marriage and Mitch finds out and he was upset because he wasn't told before hand but accepts it and understands why Tina has been acting a certain way. Even though it's a tough time I'm glad to see Tina is pushing forward instead of laying down and letting it destroy her. Now her faith really has to kick in...........ok Scandal Olivia sent Abbey to take her place at the White House meeting and they all walked out lol. Olivia met with her dad to get help on taking down  B613. He tells her how to find their funding to shut them down while promoising not to hurt the president. Huck wants to know where she got the information when she tells him he tells her her father is tarting her like a mark. Huck said he was t going to do it and she said yes you will. So I guess he will. Andrew is still trying to get Mellie. But the president is being a hater. So he tells Olivia to fix it. And she gives Andrew an ultimatum the White House or Mellie.......which one will he choose? Jake gives Quinn and Charlie an assignment to watch mama Pope. By the time they figure out she's buying a bomb it's at the exact same time Huck shuts down the system and they lose track of her. Surprisingly she shows up to a dinner with Olivia and her dad and tells Olivia she needs to find a new line of work.......... Can't wait til next week

Monday Night

Ok kinda late with this post. Basketball wives starts with Draya inviting the ladies to a zombie run but they have no idea what they are doing until Draya comes out in full zombie makeup and tells them what they are about to do. Malaysia right off the bat with her cutesy self does not line to get dirty. Ms prim and proper. But she is a good sport and plays along. Dryays goal is to get Dubdy and she does and takes her flag. Now I know Sundy is salty.brittish takes the time to explain to Brandi why she didn't like her and they make peace. So now Draya brings to Brandi what Jackie told her about Brandi saying they are not friends. Brandi explains she doesn't use the friend word loosely and I totally understand where she's coming from. You can't call every girl you meet a friend.jackie is trying to come up with a bottle for her signature cognac. She and Doug posed for a sculpture for the model of the bottle and her investor didn't like it. I understand she wants the bottle to be sexy but that wasn't the best idea. Maybe the too could be the shape she wants but not the bottle. Back to the drawing board Jackie. Now on to Jackie's daughter Chantel. This chick is trying to get on by making this Orlando(Draya's boyfriend) situation bigger than it is. She's just mad because When she met Orlando in person he didn't want to date her and passed her to the homie. So get over it and find fame another way!!!!! Wonder how long this will drag on???............

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Sunday Night

Atlanta Housewives picked up still in Mexico with Peter and Greg still going at it. When they got back to the states they didn't talk for about a week then Greg set up a meeting. At the sit down both sides state their point and decide to respect each other and move on. They were a little nice about it. Had it been me I would have gave NeNe exactly what she gave out. If you can dish it , you should be able to take it right? Maybe somebody will put NeNe in her place one day but today wasn't it. Kandi is working hard to get her play in motion. Rehearsal has started and Porscha and her contract are no where to be found. But she out clubbing with her friends. Kandi has a talk with her about her demands just to let her know she would not have her own dressing room or her name on the header. So we will see if Porscha remains in the play. Kenya and Marlo had a chat about the vacation and of course NeNe. And Kenya has a doll delivered to see if she can take care of a baby. And soon as the lady leaves she puts the doll on the chair.......Can you say not ready!!! Kenya, Kenya, Kenya...........now on to Ressurection. This week there's a manhunt on for Caleb. Jacobs mom is worried about him and insist on tests being run. He is not sleeping and constantly eating. Now the pastors girlfriend is back also thinking it's only been three days since her passing and it's been twelve years since her suicide. The pator had to tell his wife about her and that now she's back. This is going to be interesting because he's still in love with her. Ray is still very suspicious of Caleb and is watching his every move. He suspects he has something to do with th murder so he calls Bellamy and the sheriff to turn him in but he runs off before they get there. After Maggie finishes examing Jacob on the way home he tells her he know where Caleb is and she asked how does he know and he said he can feel him. Ok weird. But Maggie tells her dad where he is and surround the building and he comes out. This show is getting really interesting. Can't wait to see where this is going.........